How to prepare the skin for injection mesotherapy? It is important to remember that the results after injection mesotherapy will be really stable only if the patient’s skin is prepared…
Author: adminav

11-12/07 DMK Program #1 education on working with DMK concept and cosmeceuticals, Prague
Základní školení pro práci s kosmeceutikou DMK v Praze se uskuteční 11-12 července. Tým DMK Czech tímto oslovuje všechny zájemce o navázání spolupráce se značkou DMK. Pro registraci klikněte na…

20-21, Прага - первичное обучение работе с космецевтикой DMK
20-21 в Праге состоится первичное обучение работе с космецевтикой DMK (Danné Montegue-King). Приглашаем дерматологов и косметологов с медицинским образованием обучиться изменять кожу пациентов, изменяя их жизнь. Регистрируйтесь по ссылке ▶…

Under the sun, nothing is new
By Danne Montague-King copyright January 2018 During the last 50 years I have been involved with the aesthetic sciences I have seen very few real “breakthru’s” and have been involved…

Peeling the skin is a misnomer!
By Danne Montague-King copyright January 2018 The word “peel” in regard to age management or cuneiform scar treatments has echoed down through over a hundred years! In Egyptian times resins…

Ingredient Column for Skin Deep Magazine
Peptides are a huge buzz word today, some companies touting their entire line on fancy peptide serums or cremes. There are literally hundreds of peptides and many categories both biologically…